Principles of Governance: Core Metrics and Disclosures

Governing purpose

Setting purpose

About This Report, pages 6-7

Letter from the Chairman, pages 20-23

Quality of governing body

Governance body composition

Profile of Board of Directors, pages 211-214

Profile of Company Secretaries, page 215

Profile of Executive Leadership Team, pages 216-220

Corporate Governance at PETRONAS, pages 221-224

Stakeholder engagement

Material issues impacting stakeholders

Engaging with Stakeholders, pages 42-52

Material Topics, pages 53-58

Ethical behaviour


Corporate Governance at PETRONAS, page 241

Protected ethics advice and reporting mechanisms

Corporate Governance at PETRONAS, page 241

Risk and opportunity oversight

Integrating risk and opportunity into business process

Risks Linked to Creating Value, pages 59-71

Planet: Core Metrics and Disclosures

Climate change

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Safeguard the Environment, pages 109-121

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures implementation

Safeguard the Environment, pages 109-121

Nature loss

Land use and ecological sensitivity

Safeguard the Environment, pages 128-129

Freshwater availability

Water consumption and withdrawal in water-stressed areas

Safeguard the Environment, page 125

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 204

People: Core Metrics and Disclosures

Dignity and equality

Diversity and inclusion (%)

Positive Social Impact, pages 172-181

Sustainability Key Performance Data, pages 206-208 and 264

Risk for incidents of child, forced or compulsory labour

Positive Social Impact, pages 147-151

Health and well-being

Health and safety (%)

Positive Social Impact, pages 131-141

Skills for the future

Training provided (#, $)

Performance by Capitals, page 41

Positive Social Impact, pages 151-171

Sustainability Key Performance Data, page 209

Prosperity: Core Metrics and Disclosures

Employment and wealth generation

Absolute number and rate of employment

Sustainability Key Performance Data, pages 206-208

Economic contribution

  1. Revenue: Group Financial Results and Position, pages 242-255

  2. Operating cost: Group Financial Results and Position, page 296

  3. Employee wages and benefits: Audited Financial Statements, page 43

  4. Payment to providers of capital:

    1. Dividend: Letter from the Executive Vice President and Group Chief Financial Officer, page 30

    2. Financing costs: Audited Financial Statements, page 114

  5. Payments to government: Letter from the Executive Vice President and Group Chief Financial Officer, page 30

  6. Community investment: Positive Social Impact, pages 182-197

  7. Audited Financial Statements, page 116

Financial investment contribution

  1. Total capital expenditures (CAPEX) minus depreciation, supported by narrative to describe the company’s investment strategy: Group Financial Results and Position, pages 252-253

  2. Share buybacks plus dividend payments, supported by narrative to describe the company’s strategy for returns of capital to shareholders: Letter from the Executive Vice President and Group Chief Financial Officer, page 30

  3. Dividend paid to non-controlling interest: Audited Financial Statements, page 10

Innovation of better products and services

Total research and development expenses ($)

Performance by Capitals, page 40

Project Delivery and Technology, page 140

Community and social vitality

Total tax paid

Audited Financial Statements: pages 13-14